Monday, April 21, 2008

Free Lemonade on Earth day april 20 2008 DC

CODEPINK Activists geared up in Toxic Cleanup attire and educated free lemonade drinkers about the direct connection between WAR & Environment in celebration of Earth Day action on the National Mall.The military is the single largest consumer of OIL!Our military is a huge offender of the earth by dropping DEPLETE URANIUM Naplam and others deadly chemicals all over IRAQ!!!!
educate your family
Consume less
Buy Local
Bike more often
take 4 minute showers
Promote a strong energy policy in your state city county that places value in green jobs not the WAR economy!!!!!!!!!!!We All MAke a difference
We handed out fliers encouraging involvement.Practiced our talking points as we interacted with young new friends.the rain opened up the sky and later we read there were 2 tornados in the District of Columbia yesterday~~