Monday, April 21, 2008

Free Lemonade on Earth day april 20 2008 DC

CODEPINK Activists geared up in Toxic Cleanup attire and educated free lemonade drinkers about the direct connection between WAR & Environment in celebration of Earth Day action on the National Mall.The military is the single largest consumer of OIL!Our military is a huge offender of the earth by dropping DEPLETE URANIUM Naplam and others deadly chemicals all over IRAQ!!!!
educate your family
Consume less
Buy Local
Bike more often
take 4 minute showers
Promote a strong energy policy in your state city county that places value in green jobs not the WAR economy!!!!!!!!!!!We All MAke a difference
We handed out fliers encouraging involvement.Practiced our talking points as we interacted with young new friends.the rain opened up the sky and later we read there were 2 tornados in the District of Columbia yesterday~~


Roger said...

Pinky , you certainly are totally ignorant about depleted uranium and chemical weapons. Instead of just believing everything you read on politically correct, but scientifically ignorant websites, why not actually learn something about depleted uranium before you start telling the entire population of Phoenix a myth. This depleted uranium thing gets in my craw because people like you who don't have a clue what you are talking about are convincing people in other parts of the world that the big bad United States is poisoning their land forever and I am afraid that they will try and pay us back. You don't even know what the uranium content of your backyard is I will bet. When you do, then you might realize that DU started out as a hoax by Saddam Hussein and it fell on fertile ground with the scientifically ignorant but politically vocal. It also has created a nice cottage research industry and bred a number of outright frauds who travel around the world on your dime telling you how horrid DU is when they don't even tell you the truth about who they are. Go talk to a scientist, a physicist, chemist, geologist, learn about uranium. It is right there in your Phoenix backyard and always was in the backyards of Baghdad as well. If you want to just learn on the net, go to and watch dinner on a Fiesta Ware uranium glazed orange plate. If you would like to learn what the international scientific community has found where depleted uranium tank killing munitions were actually fired, go to - there are links there to a number of sites; I recommend that you start with the United Nations Environmental Programme intensive field and laboratory research in Boznia-Herzegovina (look at the photos of the team members at work - no moon suits! so they obviously know that DU is really not that deadly and that it is not going to harm their ability to have children - two of the many myths) - then go to the International Atomic Energy Agency, they have not exactly been friends of Bush, so you might even believe them - they did extensive research in Kuwait, just like UNEP has done in the Balkans. If you have any questions, write to me and I will find an answer for you.


Roger said...
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Anonymous said...


I will read some of the links. I think it's important for everyone to research an issue before taking a position.

However, stating that someone is "totally ignorant" makes it look like you're itching for a fight. This is not a good way to begin if you want to persuade someone to do further research. Also, you addressed me, and I have never said anything for or against depleted uranium. I'm against all bombs and war, though, so I guess you could say I don't support the use of depleted uranium in bombs. All you would have to have done is to look at the byline of the post to see who actually wrote the post. It was Liz, not me. For someone who is so interested in getting the truth out, you don't seem to be interested in who you address or how you address them.

Work on your people skills and maybe you can get the "truth" out, whatever it may be.
