Saturday, February 9, 2008

Busy times!

Once again, the posts haven't been flowing, but the actions have. The year started out with a bang with Liz gracing our landlocked state for a couple of weeks. We were able to put together a fund raising party for IVAW and CODEPINK Phoenix while she was here. The party was hosted by CF and a wonderful time was had by all. We managed to raise enough money to help a couple of CODEPINKers to make their way to Washington, D.C. in March. (Thanks, Kent, for this photo)Maggie made her way to Washington and the CODEPINK house a couple of weeks ago. She spent a lot of time with Liz and was there to support Liz during her trial (you know, the one where, after the Capitol Police viciously manhandled her, they charged her with resisting arrest) where Liz was, of course, found not guilty. They managed to see most of the Arizona legislators and join in an anti-torture action while Mukasey was being questioned by the House Judiciary Committee. This photo is from the CODEPINK DC blog
A couple of us were fortunate enough to take in a Charlie King, Emma's Revolution concert on February 1st and were treated to a new song inspired by CODEPINK's "Women Say 'No' to War" campaign. Then, after a very wet action in front of Senator McCain's office the evening before "Super Tuesday," we were treated to an inspiring evening with Ann Wright at LB's home last Wednesday. She signed her new book "Dissent: Voices of Conscience," and spoke with us about her efforts as a peace activist. With LB's brilliant planning, we were able to raise some more money for IVAW by auctioning off some signed photographs of Colonel Wright.

Finally, just this morning, Maggie, LB, and I were guests on the KPHX show "A Different View" with Rev. Dr. Walt Wieder. It was the first time for Maggie and LB to be on the radio (I think) and they did a phenomenal job! Maggie spoke about her experiences in Washington while LB promoted the Winter Soldier Campaign to take place March 13-16 in Washington (more on this later).

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