Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can you hear me now?

O.K, so you can't leave work and come with a large peace sign to stand in front of Senator McCain's office for hours in the hot sun. That's understandable. But you can pick up a phone and make a quick call! This is what we're asking you to do in the "Can you hear me now? Campaign." Every day, call a different Arizona elected official and let him or her know that you want an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq, our troops home safe and sound, and no war with Iran. It's simple, fun and effective! Here's the schedule:

Sen. John McCain 602-952-2410

Sen. Jon Kyl 602-840-1891

Gov. Napolitano (AZ National Guard) 602-542-4331

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 202-225-4965

Your Representative in Congress

Rep. Jeff Flake 480-833-6314

Rep. Trent Franks 623-776-7911

Rep. Harry Mitchell 480-946-2411

Rep. Ed Pastor 602-256-0551

Rep. John Shadegg 602-263-5300

If you're not lucky enough to live in Phoenix, Arizona, substitute your own Senators, Representative, and Governor. It's easy!

This campaign is sponsored by the End the War Coalition and all of its member groups.

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