Friday, May 11, 2007

In Julia Ward Howe's Tradition

Enjoy your Mother's Day, but wake up early on Monday to rally for peace. The End the War Coalition, of which CODEPINK Phoenix is a proud member, is sponsoring a couple of Mother's Day Monday events, in conjunction with the Mother of a March planned in Washington, D.C.

Here are the particulars:

Join with other women in a call for peace and to end the Iraq war!

Please come for the day, an hour, a moment...

Mother's Day Monday at McCain's
May 14, 2007 8am-5pm
5353 N.16th Street
Candlelight peace vigil follows at 7 p.m. commemorating the U.S. military and the Iraqi civilian dead

If you are a mother, or ever had a mother, we need you on May 14th, the Monday after Mother's Day at Sen. McCain's office, 5353 N. 16th St! We will set up a tent outside from 8am-5pm for you to stop by and write a message to Sen. McCain to end the carnage in Iraq, then you can go into his office and hand deliver your urgent peace message.

Mother's Day Monday at McCain's will conclude with a solemn candlelight peace vigil at 7 p.m. commemorating the U.S. military and the Iraqi civilian dead.

For more information - 480.894.2024

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